Tentacles extending from the Metaverse.

Apr 15,2022

On April 6, Huangpu District of Guangzhou Cityofficially released the "Measures of Guangzhou Huangpu District and Guangzhou Development Zone to Promote Metaverse Innovation and Development" (hereinafter referred to as "Metaverse 10"). This policy is the first Metaverse special support policy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, focusing on digital twins, human-computer interaction, AR/VR/MR (virtual reality/augmented reality/mixed reality) and other fields, and will promote Metaverse-related technologies , management, the industrialization and large-scale application of business models, and cultivate new industrial formats and new models. "Metaverse 10" points out that financial and policy support will be provided to leading software and hardware or platform-based companies that provide Metaverse-related technical services in various aspects such as industrial development, social governance, and people's livelihood services. There are reports that the Metaverse will lead the wave of technological development in the next 20 years. Whether it is a "prophet" or a "pretender", we can't make a conclusion for the time being, but what we can foresee is that in the LED display industry, the tentacles of the Metaverse have already been reached in.

Micro LED is a bargaining chip for the LED display industry to enter the Metaverse

To realize Metaverse applications, future display technology must have the advantages of thinner, lighter, higher efficiency, lower power consumption, and smaller size. Therefore, Micro LED has become a key display technology for building next -generation Metaverse applications. Micro LED can achieve ultra-high resolution in ultra-small size, and at the same time have ultra-fast switching speed, Micro LED has become the perfect choice for VR and AR headsets . At the same time, Micro LED has higher flexibility, which can be perfectly adapted to glass substrate, PCB substrate or flexible substrate Micro LED.

As early as 2016, Retop set up a Micro LED small-pitch professional production line in the Zhuhai factory, which comprehensively upgraded the company's strategic position and expanded its product coverage.

The Slovenian national TV station project was successfully installed in the Micro LED product research and development year. The product still maintains a gorgeous display effect, an immersive live broadcast experience, and a perfect combination of political spirit and artform.

The success of this project has strengthened our confidence in the research and development of Micro LED products, and successfully installed one case after another.

Shenzhen International Trade Building / P1.5

Jiaxing Air Terminal / P1.25 / 16㎡

China World / P2.5 / 40㎡

Australia TV / P1.9 / 12.48㎡

Where are the tentacles reaching the LED display industry?

The introduction of the "10 Metaverse" is based on the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Digital Economy". To a certain extent, it is an opportunity for high-tech enterprises to seize. The development and application of human-computer interaction, XR and other technologies in China are mature. In the application of subdivision fields, it also needs to run in and penetrate. The LED display industry has gradually transitioned from a single display to a fusion display in the development in recent years. It can not only enter the high-end market by relying on its own technology, but also upgrade to another after being equipped with human-computer interaction, XR and other technologies.

01 Immersive Pavilion

On March 26, 2022, 60 curators and scholarsfrom 50 museums and universities across the country jointly released the "Initiative on Museums' Active Participation in the Construction of the Metaverse" (hereinafter referred to as the "Initiative"), calling on museums to adapt to the development of the times and give full play to their own advantage, and actively participate in the construction of the metaverse.

02 XR Virtual Production

The XR scene technical framework includes several major elements, such as the shooting venue composed of LED display, cameras, object position tracking and positioning technology, real-time graphics rendering engine (AR technology), high-speed and low-latency network, and finally will increase the combination of elements. Before the content is transmitted to the display screen, it becomes a cool and realistic XR scene. Compared with traditional green screen shooting , LED giant screen is cost-effective, no matter day or night, wind, rain, ice, snow and lightning, one-second switching can meet the needs of any scene. The advent of virtual studios only improves overall efficiency, saves costs, and optimizes presentation.

From the proposal of the representatives of the two sessions to the implementation of the support policy, the Metaverse is accelerating its development. It can be seen that the development trend of the Metaverse is optimistic in the social voice, with support and norms. Although the market space of Metaverse is huge, it still needs careful layout. The deepening of Micro LED technology is still a trend, and the application from physical reality to virtual reality also needs to be realized step by step . The application in the field of display screen will become more and more extensive.

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