Global Display Device Investment Rebounds by 54% to 55.78 Billion Yuan This Year
According to DSCC data forecasts, global investment in display equipment will rebound to $7.7 billion (approximately RMB 55.78 billion) this year, an increase of 54% compared to the previous year. This is half the decrease from 2020 (approximately $16 billion). Last year, this figure was $5 billion (approximately RMB 36.22 billion), a decrease of 59% from the previous year.
Digital Intelligence, Culture and Tourism Embark on a New Pattern
The new wave of cultural and tourism industry revolution has made "digital+cultural and tourism" a new growth point, and with the further integration of LED display screen technology and cultural and tourism, it has also brought more possibilities for the development of the LED display screen industry.
The in car display market will exceed 91 billion yuan in 2027
The South Korean display industry is seeking new avenues in the electronics industry. Due to the saturation of the smartphone and television markets, display companies seem to be focusing on the automotive display industry. In the future, with the development of electric vehicles and autonomous vehicle, the electronic industry is expected to become a new growth point of the display industry.
The sales of LED fine pitch screens reached 20.71 billion! How is the development potential of these two fields in 2024?
It is obvious that LED displays have entered the era of micro spacing, and products have penetrated into various scenarios of professional displays (conference rooms, monitoring rooms, broadcasting halls), commercial displays (retail supermarkets, esports displays, XR extended displays), and public displays.
LED display screens empower smart government construction
As the spacing between LED display screens becomes smaller, the display becomes more delicate, and the functions become more intelligent, the application of LED display screens in digital government will inevitably become the trend.
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